This Guy Is Camping Outside A Store For 10 Days To Get An SNES Classic

By JBRogerThat

Published 7 years ago in Ftw

Professional time waster.

SNES Classic.

Whenever a new Nintendo product is coming out, you can bet YouTube content creator CND is camping outside a retailer somewhere waiting for release day.

Earlier in the year CND got attention for camping outside the Nintendo World Store in New York for 28 days to get a Nintendo Switch, overshadowing competing time waster Triforce Johnson. Now, he's looking to get his hands on an SNES Classic the moment September 29th rolls around.

Also See:Top 10 Best SNES Games Ever

In a new video, CND is shown tossing down a camping chair along with some belongings right outside the Nintendo World Store before beginning what he says will be a 10 day journey of sitting around doing a lot of nothing.  

Check it out:

Although the SNES Classic is priced at $79.99 MSRP,  it's been sold out worldwide since pre-orders became available. On eBay you can find listings selling for north of $200 on an average day because Nintendo has no idea how to manufacture enough supply to meet demand for its products.

You can learn more about the SNES Classic here.